Para-cycling on the track

The Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Velodrome National will host the Para-cycling track events, with competitions taking place from August 29th to September 1st.

Para-cycling on the track, an intense and captivating competition at the Paris 2024 Games!

Para-cycling on the track

The Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Velodrome National will host the Para-cycling track events, with competitions taking place from September 4th to 7th.

Para-cycling on the track, an intense and captivating competition at the Paris 2024 Games!

Come and witness the incredible performance of Para-cycling track athletes as they defy the limits of their disabilities to deliver spectacular and inspiring races. With specially adapted bikes and thrilling courses, the National Velodrome in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines is ready to host the Para-cycling events of Paris 2024. Join us in applauding these modern heroes and experience unforgettable moments of sportsmanship!

Para-cycling on the track, an intense and captivating competition at the Paris 2024 Games!

Come and witness the incredible performance of Para-cycling track athletes as they defy the limits of their disabilities to deliver spectacular and inspiring races. With specially adapted bikes and thrilling courses, the National Velodrome in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines is ready to host the Para-cycling events of Paris 2024. Join us in applauding these modern heroes and experience unforgettable moments of sportsmanship!

Para-cycling on the track is a relatively new discipline that was introduced to the Paralympic Games in 1996 in Atlanta. Since then, it has become an integral part of the Games program, featuring competitions for athletes with visual, physical, and intellectual impairments.

The development of para-cycling on the track has been supported by the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), which has worked closely with Paralympic organizations to develop rules and categories that cater to different types of disabilities.

The para-cycling track events closely mirror those of traditional track cycling, featuring individual and team events, as well as sprint and endurance races. Para-cyclists use adapted bikes to meet their individual needs, which may include modifications to the saddle, pedals, handles, or other components.

Over the years, para-cycling on the track has become an increasingly competitive and spectacular discipline, with athletes constantly pushing the boundaries of their abilities. The races are often highly intense and exciting, with complex tactics and strategies that can make the difference between victory and defeat.

Para-cycling on the track is now a popular Olympic and Paralympic discipline, attracting high-level athletes from around the world. It serves as further evidence of the sport’s ability to transcend obstacles and provide opportunities for all, regardless of their personal circumstances.

Event details
C1-2-3 kilometer time trial (men)
C4-5 kilometer time trial (men)
C1-2-3 500m time trial (women)
C4-5 500m time trial (women)
C1-2-3 pursuit (women)
C1 pursuit (men)
C2 pursuit (men)
C3 pursuit (men)
C4 pursuit (women/men)
C5 pursuit (women/men)
B kilometer time trial (women/men)
B pursuit (women/men)
C1-5 team sprint (mixed)
The competition venue

The Velodrome National of SQY

With its 250-meter wooden track, the National Velodrome of
Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines is the preferred venue for the world’s top track cyclists and para-cyclists. Its modern infrastructure and electric atmosphere make it an essential destination for sports enthusiasts and thrill-seekers alike!

In this temple , of performance, speed and adrenaline are guaranteed!

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